Upskilling Yourself

Our training delivery modes for online and classes learning caters to both individuals and enterprise teams, anywhere in the world.

Qualified Ecosystem

Be part of a unique learning ecosystem that combines both formal and informal learning options through instructor-led sessions, access to LMS, and self-paced e-learning.

Recognized Courses

Our training and certification courses are accredited by various governing bodies.

Get answers from Us!

01. What does the training courses include?

Each training course is created, owned and managed by the instructor(s). The foundation of each course are its lectures, which can include videos, slides, and/or text. In addition, instructors can add resources and various types of practice activities, as a way to enhance the learning experience of participants.

02. Do I receive anything after I complete a training course?

Multitime offers skill-based courses taught by real-world experts in their field. Every approved, paid course features a certificate of completion to document your accomplishment from the experts themselves. Most of our courses are accredited by various governing bodies in the respective fields.

03. How can I pay for a training course?

More information on Multitime’s payment methods can be discussed after the contract deal on our office.

04. Is there any way to preview a training course?

Yes! To preview a pre-available training course, you can directly send your questions here.

Meanwhile for a custom-made training course, we advice you to contact our Consultant Team here.

05. Where can I go for help?

If you find you have a question about a paid course while you’re taking it, you can search for answers to your question by asking the instructor.

For administration or application questions, you can ask it to us directly by emailing to

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